Monday, November 10, 2008

Assignment #7

Fact: Do slaughter houses meet the regulations set by the government? Are they ethical in the way the kill animals?
Definition: What makes food organic? Is it better?
Quality: Does eating organic food make it better?
Procedure: What do we do about these issues?

Fact: Do steroids in baseball really enhance the users performance? Or does it just make the user stronger?
Definition: How do steroids work? Do they hurt the user over time?
Quality: Does using steroids make you become an obvious better athlete than your opponents?
Procedure: What do we do about athletes that have used steroids? Should an asterisk be placed next to their names on Major League Baseball records and archives?

Fact: Is it unfair that shoe companies pay citizens of countries outside of the United States to make shoes at very cheap wages?
Definition: How much do they get paid? Does this compare to typical American wages?
Quality: Does it matter where the shoes are made? Are they of the same quality?
Procedure: What is being done to prevent this unethical problem?

Video Games
Fact: Do video games take up too much time of peoples' lives? Does it lead to social problems?
Definition: How much time is spent on video games per person? What do different video games do to people?
Quality: Which video games lead to violence? Do the ratings really have an affect on who buys and uses the video game?
Procedure: How is this problem being resolved? Is any action being taken place?

I think I am leaning towards doing an in depth research about steroids in sports. I don't really know how it can tie to the environment, but maybe you and I can come up with a way that it does.

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