1.) Hutcheson, Nicole, and Times S. Writer. "Refining Small Engines." St.Petersburg Times (Florida) October 4 2008, sec. BAYLINK; HOMES: ENVIRONMENT: 1F.
The source came from the lexis nexis academic data base. It is an article that is written about how small powered engines are being created to have better emissions and cause less harm to bodies of water as well as the air. It talks about how with this new technology, it will be hard to use your old watercrafts. It talks about the improved air quality that is expected to have by 2011.
I plan to use this source in my final paper by giving information on what is being done to prevent pollution. I will talk about the efforts that are underway to have more efficient watercrafts. I will more than likely quote a short informative quote concerning the action that is underway. I will also discuss how this applies to buyers of watercrafts and how it will affect their purchasing.
2.) Pinchin, Karen, and Canadian Press. "New Rules Won't Keep Sewage Out of Lakes; Loophole in Boating Law Gives 5-Year Exemption to Older Watercraft." The Toronto Star July 9 2007, sec. NEWS: A18.
This source is an article that talks about what is being done to stop toxic sewage from hurting the aquatic environment. Canadian and American law makers are starting to crack down on free sewage releases in lakes. This is harming the animal life and is making the water toxic and harmful to humans who go on the lake. It gives older watercrafts five years to figure something out to save the sewage and dump it somewhere other than in the water.
I will use this source in my essay to show the reader that sewage dumping is extremely harmful to the environment and can possibly harm their own lives. This will also show action that is being taken. This will make my paper stronger because it supports my argument and shows that the problem can eventually get better. I will probably paraphrase the information because it is pretty lengthy.
3.) "UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES; Sydney Harbors Deadly Diet for Sea Creatures." Biotech Business Week April 21 2008: 2334.
This source is a good one that I came across. It gives an in depth look at the effects that water crafts have on wildlife. It talks about how harmful heavy metals (not the music) get stuck on the sea weed and other aquatic plant life. The wildlife then eats these toxic plants and then, in most cases, both organisms die. This can be corrected by proper laws that can be put in place.
I plan on using this as ammunition to convince the reader that action needs to be taken. The author does a good job in concisely summarizing the problem. I will quote the author and then discuss more in depth as to what can happen. This quote will give more strength to my essay.
4.) Mueller, Gene, and the W. Times. "Riverkeepers Go to Court Over Pollution." The Washington Times December 19 2007.
This source shows that it is a real life problem. People are actually trying to fix the problem. They are going to government officials to try and fix the problems. This is a court case where excessive pollution is going into a river.
I will use this source as a validation that people are getting angry over the problem. It also talks about how the problem is being solved. I will paraphrase the article to get my point across. It also shows that the government is involved and that action is being taken.
5.) Werner, Erica. Tougher pollution rules for mowers, watercraft. 05 Sept 2008. Associated Press. 23 Nov 2008
This article talks about the exact restrictions that the EPA has now put on for watercrafts. It talks about how this will better help the aquatic wildlife. It also talks about the similarities that if the same thing was done to trucks, that one in five trucks would be removed from the roads. This puts in perspective the importance of the movement.
I plan to use this to show the detailed facts that are brought up. This will help my argument because it shows what is being done. These are tougher pollution laws. I will also use the comparison between road vehicles and watercrafts and the equivalent of taking one in five off of the road. I will also mention that the bodies of water will be cleaner and lots safer.
6.) Dieter, Mathew. "Jet-Ski Ordinances." The Environmnet Sector. 23 Nov 2008
This article brings up an interesting argument concerning sound pollution. Personal watercrafts can reach up to 60 mph and over 120 decibels. This has caused communities to want to ban the crafts. The sound doesn’t affect the wildlife but it is loud and can be annoying or even cause hearing impairment.
I will discuss this issue as a reason to show other ways that watercrafts can potentially pollute the water. This doesn’t directly harm the wildlife but it does affect the community. I will quote the author on their facts. Then I will discuss them in greater detail.
7.) Patton, Karen. "The PWC Controversy - Getting Along With Nature." suite101.com. 01 Mar 1998. 23 Nov 2008
This article also talks about sound pollution. It discusses how the use of personal watercrafts can disrupt others who are trying to enjoy the lake or national park. It talks about a sound ordinance and an unwritten rule that PWC users must abide by. This shows respect to all people that are enjoying the resource.
I plan on using this source to have more information concerning noise pollution. This is when I will discuss the unwritten rule and how it is being used. I will also discuss the issue on how it is being taken care of. The government puts a sound ordinance and talks about the advancement in technology concerning PWC’s.
8.) Krantz, David. "Water Pollution and Society." 23 Nov 2008
This site has an in depth research on all sorts of water pollution. It talks about the many different causes of water pollution as well as many pictures where I am able to see the effects first hand. This also talks about how it happens and what is being done about it from a societal perspective. It also gives a good understanding about water and what the quality is.
I plan to use this site as a strong basis of my information. It brings up many solid points and facts that will help me to effectively write my essay. I plan to paraphrase a lot of this information to relay it to the reader. I will mainly use the types of water pollution and how they come about.
9.) Rubin, Ken. "Reply to ASK-AN-EARTH-SCIENTIST." University of Hawaii. 23 Nov 2008
This site is an excellent source for me and answers many questions on a college level. It is a professor at Hawaii that answers many questions concerning the subject. This site helped me gather more information about the subject and was fairly in depth to help me know more. The many questions and answers helped me understand more.
I plan on using this information as background information. This will help the reader gain a base of knowledge concerning the subject. I will then be able to go into more detail about water pollution. This foundation also helped me to focus on the basic things before going into more detail.
10.) "Water Pollution." Clean Water: Our Precious Resource. Chewonki. 23 Nov 2008
This article looked at the many aspects of water pollution. It talked about how it comes about and what happens because of it. It also lists many facts concerning the wildlife and the habitat that lives around aquatic environments. It is on high school level so it was easy to understand and was interesting too.
I plan on using the facts that are given about water pollution. Theses facts will help better my argument because it is actual proof that water pollution really does have an effect on living organisms. I will also use the background information to provide a basis for the audience. This will in turn present a better argument.